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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Wicked Wanton Wednesday Gets Kinky With A Twist Of Lime

Warning Adult Material:  You Must Be 18 to View This Material. 

Today, I welcome Harry Lime.  An author I found lurking in the spanking groups on Facebook but never got a chance to get to know until now. 
Harry has brought with him two hot excerpts, that are a departure from my recent DD posts.  So be prepared.  Keep in mind that it is Wednesday, the day for me to be very Wicked and Wanton.

Now, let’s see what makes Harry tick.

About the author:

Harry Lime is a pen name for many of his writings.  Harry brings us his erotic imaginings from the Sunshine State where he enjoys retirement and writing both erotic and non-erotic fiction.
Within the erotic genres, he has written in a total of 30 sub-genres spanning the sexual rainbow from Cuckold to Spanking. His two most recently released e-books on Amazon UK and Amazon USA are an example of the varied themes he likes to write in.

Wild Cabaret Orgies in Pre-WWII Germany by Harry Lime

The first one, “Kinky Berlin Nights” is a tale of a young woman in Pre-WWII Germany and has a “Cabaret” feel to it.


 (Cover model is Dino Unchained of Unchained Girls, Portland OR.) 

Excerpt 1:  "Princess had followed instructions and was snugly seated across the beautiful blonde's lap.  The girl was dressed in the uniform of a SS Major and wore the high black boots that signified the special enforcement division that acted under direct orders from the Fuhrer.  Her lipstick was perfect and she had not a single hair our of place despite the consumption of a large quantity of wine.  Her nasty little riding crop was swinging against her leather boot and she looked like she was in the mood to use it on the first set of female cheeks that came too close." 

 Excerpt 2:  “You can watch everything and stay out of the center of attention. If someone has a problem, they will ask you to help them fix it. Otherwise, it is best to just keep your mouth shut and follow orders. I did this job for almost a year before I got promoted to chorus dancer. Do you mind looking at my backside and making sure my panties are covering my ass so that there is nothing sticking out? They have a new order now with the Berlin censor office that gives a fine for exposing female slits and cracks but nobody really pays attention. It generally is used just to harass some poor cabaret owner who didn’t pay his fair share under the table.”

Marlene reached up and tucked an errant curve of ass flesh back inside the confines of the metallic gold panties ashamed of the tingle in her pussy from the motion. She hoped the well-endowed Princess did not suspect her perverted thoughts. She did not see Hans watching her thoughtfully from the other side of the dressing room.
Buy on Amazon
  Maddie's Intimate Authors Corner

MT:  Harry now that 2013 is in the books, tell us something wicked that happened to you last year.

Harry:  Unfortunately, Harry Lime’s 2013’s depraved experiences must remain a secret due to the Official Secrets Act, but some of his disgraceful behavior is exposed in the 600 stories posted for free reading on short-fiction.UK for readers interested in discovering some of his peccadillos.

Next week; come back for a visit with guest author; Mary Wehr

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