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Thursday, August 8, 2013

His Baby Likes to Watch



This week we go back to the beginning In Captain, My Captain  Club Decadence Book One.

Cap is a big, strong, sexy Dom.  Did I mention he is former US Special Forces?  He is used to being in charge and expects his woman to follow his lead.

Megan is an independent, sassy woman who is also a small, business owner.  She is used to being in charge in her realm.  She also has a wicked tongue that will get her in trouble with Cap more often than not.  

In today's snippet, Megan is having some self esteem issues and Cap is determined to nip that in the bud.  He shows her how beautiful she is to him using the full length mirror in their bedroom.  

 “Open your eyes and look in the mirror; see what I see.”

She gasped as she looked at the stunning picture they made.  He was big, hard and dark - she was small, soft and fair.  Although opposites, they complimented each other perfectly.   His handsome face appeared above her shoulder, his lips pressing gentle kisses along the curve of her shoulder, up her neck and behind her ear.  

In the mirror, she watched him touch her, igniting her passion.  Her nipples were taut peaks as his broad fingers stroked and tweaked them gently.    

“We are beautiful together, Captain."  

“Ok then, no more talk about you being fat, or useless, or not good enough; you are perfection.”

Agreed, there is no spanking in this snippet, but this was just the foreplay.  I'll see you next week with more.  I am such a tease.  <wink>  

I feel I need to take a moment and point out that there are two covers for Captain, My Captain.  The above beautifully erotic cover is the original, released on Amazon and Blushing Books in late March of this year.  Some funny business occurred after the release of You Said Forever, Club Decadence Book 2 and poor Cap and Megan got slapped with an Amazon Adult tag and wound up in the Amazon Dungeon; so sad.  Fortunately, it was a brief imprisonment and my favorite D/s couple emerged from their prison and are once again enjoying the freedom they so aptly deserve.  

Bottom line, if shopping on Amazon don't be confused when you see cover 2.  It is exclusive to Amazon to meet their new... How should I put it?  Morality standards?

Now I know this may be confusing, believe me as a new author I found it so, too.   And sadly, some readers may see this other cover and think they are getting a different book.  Alas, it is beyond my control.  I have learned early in the game that you must play by the rules in this biz or wind up in the DUNGEON.  Unlike my books, this dungeon is not a fun place to be.

The original cover is certainly my preference and can still be found on less puckered websites such as Blushing Books and BarnesandNoble.  

You can read more about the Adult tags on my blog or at Disciplined Writer.  

I'll get off my soapbox now and encourage you to bloghop over to my fellow Saturday Spankings  & 
Weekend Writing Warriors sites...   

Enjoy!  Look for me again next week for another Saturday Spanking.  I love it!

1 comment:

  1. mmm, lovely snippet. I love a dom who scolds his woman for negative body talk.

    ps - remove Captcha for sat spanks?
